支付信息(Payment information):
国际与会者(International Attendee): $300; 学生(Student): $200
国内与会者(Domestic Attendee): ¥2000; 学生(Student): ¥1500
- 国内账号(Domestic Attendee):
- 账号:104062185457
- 户名:甘肃天博华信会议服务有限公司
- 开户行:中国银行股份有限公司兰州市金轮广场支行
- 联行号:104821003376
- 转账备注:姓名+单位
- International Attendee:
- Payee's Name: Gansu Agricultural University
- Payee's Account Number: 27021114040000113
- Full Name of Payee's Bank: Agricultural Bank of China, Lanzhou Anning Branch Business Office
- Large Amount Bank Code of Payee's Bank: 103821002117
- Transfer Note: Name + Institution